Friday, October 17, 2014

   21 for 21 challenge

Has anyone ever been in a yoga slump?  

My typical pattern is to blame anything, but myself, for avoiding my yoga practice.  Sound familiar?  My son inspired me to make the choice to change.

This time of year,  I tell myself I'm not practicing because I want to be outside (usually running).  As I look at this picture, taken while on vacation in Portugal this summer, the weather didn't hold me back--it inspired me.  Then there's the old stand-by excuse--that I'm too busy.  

So where does my twelve-year-old son fit in?  It was his daily discipline of sit-ups and push-ups that motivated me.  

So I decided to challenge myself--do 21 sun salutations for 21 days.  

Day 1: I couldn't keep my eye off the clock.  
Day 2: I felt good that I got through day 1.  
Day 3 (today): I'm starting to feel the flow.  

I'll check back in during my challenge.  Anyone want to join me?

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